Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First FO of 2007

I'm proud to show off my first FO for the new year:

This is actually a scarf I started way back in November at the Dulaan Knit-In hosted by Franklin (of the Panopticon fame). But then when I found out I had until July to actually send in my Dulaan projects, I decided to hold off finishing it until I finished my holiday knitting. Not that I ended up doing much holiday knitting, but that's beside the point. I'd kinda forgotten about the poor little scarf until I recently forced myself to pull out and assess all my UFOs. I used some leftover Lamb's Pride yarn (can't remember the exact colors or anything) and I only had enough to make a small, child's scarf. But from what I understand of the Dulaan project, they're particularly looking for items for children, so it should work out well.

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