This is my second Odessa, the first having been gifted to my mother. My sister really liked it and requested one of her, and since a request for services is a knitter's joy (or, at least, this knitter's joy) I'm happy to oblige. I'm using the same yarn (the one called for in the pattern), just in a different color. I still enjoy this pattern a lot; it is so simple to do (especially when you leave out the beads, as I am) but looks lovely.
Next up:
Can you guess what this amoeba is? Hmm, I think by calling it an "amoeba" I probably gave it away, since that is how it is so often described. Well, anyway, it is the beginnings of my first Baby Surprise Jacket. The pattern, of course, is genius. The yarn, well.... I'm using Patons SWS in Natural Plum. I love the color and the way the striping is going. But the yarn itself is very...un-yarnlike. It's what I imagine roving to be like - there is no definitive plying or "ropiness" (for lack of a better description) to the yarn. It's just really fuzzy. It isn't horrible to knit with, and the finished object will probably be pretty soft, but I'm not loving it. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I'll have enough of it to finish this, so I may end up having to buy more.And, finally, we have the Clementine Shawlette from the Spring 2007 IK:
The pattern calls for you to knit 2 identical pieces, which are then grafted together. So this is the completed first piece (I've started on the 2nd piece but am not that far on it, so it wasn't worth photographing). I really like this pattern. It's incredibly simple to understand and memorize, and the way it is set up there really is no need to count stitches - it is very intuitive where you are supposed to do the increases and decreases. Again, my issue with this project....the yarn. I'm using KnitPicks Andean Silk in Orange. For the first time, I'm a little disappointed in the offering of my beloved KnitPicks. This yarn, while soft, has a lot of, uh, stuff coming off of it. I'm not wise enough in the ways of yarn to explain what is happening, but there are little strings that come off the yarn, making it fuzz. So, for example, if I'm wearing black when I'm knitting this, I end up with little bits of orange all over me. I'm hoping that when I wash and block that it'll somewhat alleviate the problem. When completed, if I'm satisfied with the finished product, it will be a Christmas gift for my sister.
So, that's what I'm knitting. I have 3 inactive WIPs (Norberta, the dreaded Tie-Cropped Cardigan, and a pair of basic house booties). I think I'm going to officially take Norberta and the cardigan off the list - I'm just never going to finish them. The cardigan - well, we won't talk about that. And while I think Norberta is cute, I just was not having fun knitting it. I may decide to complete the booties someday (they would just be for me), but I kinda screwed up on the first one, so I'd have to frog it and re-knit.
Also, I officially did give up on MS3. I saw some of the final projects, and while I appreciate the detail and the intricacy of the pattern, it just isn't for me. So I bound off what I had and will eventually block it and give it to my daughter for her dress-up bin. Someone might as well enjoy it!