It's Berroco Quest in color 9860 (which I don't see on the site, so possibly they don't make it anymore?).
I bought this way back when, when I first started knitting and and didn't really know anything about what yarn was appropriate for what projects and what would be nice to knit with, etc. I purchased this to make a novelty scarf for my cousin. The idea was that I was going to knit this together with a strand of an eyelash yarn, so that the effect would be similar to the Fireworks scarf pattern in Stitch 'n Bitch. Well, the resulting knitting looked nice but was a real pain in the a** to knit - I discovered that I really dislike eyelash yarn. so I never finished it. And thus I still have this yarn. It is 100% nylon, and I don't really know what to do with it. I really like the color, and it does have a lovely shine to it. I don't know, maybe a purse? Anyone have any ideas.
A purse or even a yoga bag would be really cool. Maybe even a little backpack for your daughter. :) At least that was your first yarn purchase. My was red heart! Oh how naive we were! ;)
I have a few types of yarn like that too! You are not alone! It is a nice color!
It's a nice purple, right?
I see a purse for the kiddo. . .or even a little stole for her to play dress-up with. . .that way you can use up that eyelash too!
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