Friday, February 2, 2007

Yarn Pr0n Friday!

In this edition of Yarn Pr0n Friday, we are going to reach way back in to the nether regions of my stash to unveil this:

It's Berroco Quest in color 9860 (which I don't see on the site, so possibly they don't make it anymore?).

I bought this way back when, when I first started knitting and and didn't really know anything about what yarn was appropriate for what projects and what would be nice to knit with, etc. I purchased this to make a novelty scarf for my cousin. The idea was that I was going to knit this together with a strand of an eyelash yarn, so that the effect would be similar to the Fireworks scarf pattern in Stitch 'n Bitch. Well, the resulting knitting looked nice but was a real pain in the a** to knit - I discovered that I really dislike eyelash yarn. so I never finished it. And thus I still have this yarn. It is 100% nylon, and I don't really know what to do with it. I really like the color, and it does have a lovely shine to it. I don't know, maybe a purse? Anyone have any ideas.


Jessica said...

A purse or even a yoga bag would be really cool. Maybe even a little backpack for your daughter. :) At least that was your first yarn purchase. My was red heart! Oh how naive we were! ;)

Zonda said...

I have a few types of yarn like that too! You are not alone! It is a nice color!

Anonymous said...

It's a nice purple, right?

I see a purse for the kiddo. . .or even a little stole for her to play dress-up with. . .that way you can use up that eyelash too!